Friday, July 5, 2013

The path to prosperity.

The path to prosperity is, by far, both the most sought after and the most illusive.

Money is meaningless, when you have no one to enjoy it with, yet many have destroyed their closest relationships in pursuit of it.

Wealth is merely a burden, without the ability to control your time. Many of the most wealthy and admired people that walk this planet are miserable; simply because they are slaves to vehicle that has brought them fame and fortune. They can't really do what they want to do, when they want to do it.

Furthermore, fame also destroys anonymity. Once one has become "famous", he or she is unable to go to the grocery store or even take a leisurely walk in the park, for fear of being mobbed by throngs of fans.

So, how can someone build a meaningful life and create comfort for themselves and loved ones, while still having the time to leave for Paris on a Tuesday, in July and return home two weeks later?

The answer is quite simple: serving others.

Here are five simple steps to serving your way to prosperity.

1. Be kind to those who cross your path.
2. Look for opportunities to encourage others.
3. Share some of the struggles you've encountered in your entrepreneurial journey.
4. Offer tools that will help others to grow, as business leaders.
4. Promote only self improvement concepts, never promote business opportunities.

I will explain these five steps, in separate blog posts, in more detail.

Just know that you, alone, are what you are marketing; and you, alone, are what others are buying.

You must only learn how to, more effectively, communicate the gifts that you have to share.

The most important gift that you have to give is your business friendship.

When others sense that, they will connect with you.

Success follows relationships, not vice versa.

As you improve, so will the quality of the prospects (potential business friendships) that you attract.

As your belief in self increases, you will naturally attract others, that have a high belief in you and themselves.

I have demonstrated three of the five steps in this post.

The fourth is a tool that will help you grow your own business for free.

You can find out about it, at no cost, at Dr, Wick Daddy's 177 Club

As far as sharing some of the struggles, you can get an eyeful of that stuff at The Dr. Wick Daddy Show!

I do hope that you found this was insightful.

We'll see you (and your friends) at the top.


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