Sunday, March 10, 2013


Greetings party people.

It's been a while, so I'd like to start by sharing a conversation I recently had with a relative. He said

the follwing words to me: "Dr.W.D., everyone who has attained millionaire or billionaire status, has

had to step on someone to get there."

I pondered the logic of this statement for a moment........and responded with the following: "Relative,

I'd have to disagree with you, in a moral context. The Torah (Bible) tells us that: 1. The love of

money, not money, in and of itself , is the root of all evil.. The Torah (Bible) also tells us that God

has given man the ability to get wealth, for the purpose of establishing his promise.

We must be aware of a simple truth, if nothing else: "The most ctitical component of our access to

wealth is our perception of wealth and how it is attained. God desires for us to have wealth, as proof

that He has kept His promise to bless us. But if we equate wealth to wickedness, then we are simply

refusing to believe God's promise, which is perfectly fine. Why, you ask? Because the greatest gift

that we have been blessed with is the gift of choice.

This "promise" has been given to all, so that we may avoid the most irrestible temptation of all:

Feeling that we are entitled to the wealth of others, because their actions have prevented us from
attainging ours.
Man's actions will never be able to trump God's promise..............unless we perceive that they will.
In closing, please consider that there are many paths to wealth. A person need not be convinced or     
coerced that a specific business opportunity is "the only way." This is a lie. However, what is most
advantageous to understand is this: if you can help someone grow a business or opportunity that they
are passionate about, whether it is your opportunity or not, you have built a true business relationship.

If you know of someone that is looking to grow their business or find out how they can earn extra

income, send them to this link. My phone number is included. Have a prosperous day!

(Dr.Wick Daddy's Internet Income Training Page)

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