Thursday, October 17, 2013

Dr. Wick Daddy - October 17 - Hamburger Helper & Hungry People

I know the title seems weird, ok?

There is a point to it.

Just stick with me.

In the world of internet marketing, the unsuccessful 98% have no clue as to why they are not making money.

The answer is quite simple.

Most of the junk email that you receive, for internet business opportunities, are from people who are offering you hot dogs.

These people are a part of the 98%.

What they do not realize is that you love hamburgers.

As a result, they continue to spam you; while you continue deleting the emails.

The successful 2%, however, don't OFFER you anything, up front: they ASK you what you feel like eating.

As a result, they are successful, because they always offer what people want, not what THEY THINK people want.

How do we know the difference?


Which is why we need Hamburger Helper.

Your hamburger helper is your coach.

Their job is to show you how to ASK your audience what they like.

Don't get me wrong; if your audience is hungry, they will eat whatever you feed them.

But if they're not hungry, they will walk right past your offer.

Your coach will show you how to generate income from both the hungry and the picky.

All you have to do is PICK one of the banners on my blog, to get access to the free video.

Once you watch it, what we've just discussed will make perfect sense.

Grab your ketchup, mustard, onions and cheese...........and LET'S GO!

See you inside!


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