Sunday, May 5, 2013

Dr. Wick Daddy's Nugget #125 - Connectivity

Connectivity has everything to do with how frequently, and uniquely, you reach out and touch.

Good evening party people!

Today's subject will be a fun one: Connectivity.

Connectivity is a term that we shall use to describe the frequency and uniqueness, with which we engage our target audience,

For the sake of this discussion we will use the word 'touch' to describe 'requesting the sale'.

What separates your opportunity from every other business on the Internet, is you.

It has been statistically proven that 80% of sales come after a company's fifth touch.

Hence we can conclude that one challenge is simply this: you are not touching as frequently as you should.

To my fellow geeks/techies out there; you might be persuaded to believe that a simple solution to this problem is an auto responder.

The inevitable dilemma that befalls every auto-responder is being categorized, sooner or later, as spam.

You see, once redundant language finds its way into the web sphere it will be marked as spam.

Hence we can also conclude that auto responders are not effective and must be replaced with unique and interpersonal language: be you, cut the automated jargon and speak from your heart.

People will forgive grammatical error if the statements are infused with sincerity; although correctness and passion should always be the objective.

I'd like to offer 3 solutions, that may prove to be transformational, for your business. They are hyperlinks to destination sites, that you can use as examples as well.This link only requires that candidates watch a 2 minute video and then submit their full name and email address to you, so that will be eligible to receive a free invitation code.

1. Offer an opportunity that has a zero start up cost. (Your primary business may have one, but you must allow your future business partners a chance to grow their income, before you grow you business. This link only requires that candidates watch a 2 minute video and then submit their full name and email address to you, so that they become eligible to receive a free invitation code. If you want to find out details, direct message me on Twitter @DrWickDaddy . If this task is too challenging, then this person may not be a good partner for you, because the only investment required is time.)

2. Give your partners access to a source that provides them with an unlimited number of quality leads. (This link is the source I use. A business without leads is the equivalent of a car without gas.)

3. Plug them into a system that allows them to continually cultivate and engage their business relationships. (This is where prospects are converted into customers. The length of time it take for them to buy, is of no consequence. Keep filling the pipeline. When they're ready, they'll move on their own. You just keep sharing, touching and marketing.)

You can do it.

We can help.

Dr. Wick Daddy
Copyright 2013

Connect with Dr. Wick Daddy on Facebook!

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