Have you called customer service for your cell phone provider recently, to change your minute usage plan?
Well you may be surprised to find out that many large carriers, T-Mobile in particular, are implementing an automatic renewal practice.
Years ago, when you went over the minute usage that your plan allowed for, your carrier would contact you, notify you of the overage, and suggest a higher minute plan.
Not only that, but at your request, they would also,retro the date of the higher minute plan, so that the overcharge for excess minute usage from the previous billing cycle would be reduced for you, as well.
Now, not only are you not notified when you go over the minutes in your plan, but when the higher minute plan is selected, here is what happens:
1. They will not retro the start date for the new plan, to erase the overcharges to your account.
2. Your plan can be automatically renewed at the time of the plan change, without verbal disclosure.
3. If you attempt to dispute that the change occurred without your knowledge, the customer service department will refer you to an email address for the contract dispute department, with a 14 day response time frame.
It has been my experience that cell phone service providers are well aware of the addiction that consumers have for their product.
They are using this information to siphon our wealth, financial nest eggs, and savings.
I was provoked by my experience with T-Mobile to empower my family by doing the following:
1. I am now contract free and am being paid for my usage.
2. My cell phone provider is providing me with free service for bringing them new customers.
3. My friends and family now have the opportunity to have free service as well, by doing what I do as well.
This shift has put $200 a month back into my monthly budget.
In closing, I have found one other principle to be true:
People and companies, will take advantage of our ignorance as long as we let them.
Erase your cell phone bill, credit checks and contract now by clicking here.
Erase your cell phone bill now!!!!